Things Overheard This Week, episode 17

It was a pretty normal week over here, filled with chaos, meltdowns and screaming…and that was just the Teen! She’s going to kill me for writing that. All of those things did happen, just mostly thanks to the Threenager and baby C, who turned 11 months old this week. Wow, I can’t quite believe that.

Anyway, the excitement around here was that the Husband’s new television series, Reelside, had it’s official press release and launch party this past week. It premieres on June 4, on The Movie Network, for those of you in Canada! I’m so happy for him.

In other news, and in case you missed it on my Facebook page, I had two stories up on other sites this week: 8 Single Words That Speak Volumes in Teen Speak, on The Mid, and Silly Rich Girls We Dislike Hard, on BLUNTmoms. The second piece is a response to this story, in which author Wednesday Martin talks about her book profiling the richy rich women of Upper East Side Manhattan, wife bonuses and all. I was so disgusted by it, I had to write something, so go read it and share it, if you feel the same way!

Okay, on with the show. Here are the funniest things to come out of my family, this week:

The Threenager: Mama, do you want to come to the Porn Nation?
Me: The…Porn Nation??
The Threenager: Uh huh.
The Threenager: No! The CORN Nation!
Me: Oh! The CORN nation! Okay…
The Threenager: No! The CORONATION!
Me: Ohhhhhhhhh. Sure!

*The Husband and I are reminiscing about our earliest interactions, when we met through online dating. He initiated an ABC game, where we emailed back and forth through the alphabet, sharing things about ourselves.*

Me, feeling smug and and self-assured: Did you use that on all the girls you met? Or was it just me? *winking*
The Husband: Umm, all the girls.
Me, crestfallen: …seriously? You ass!
The Husband, laughing: What?!?!

*The whole family is driving home from a party, and it’s almost 9pm. Which is almost an hour past the two littles’ bedtimes. Baby C is screaming bloody murder.*

The Threenager: Well, he’s a grumpy old man!!

*We’re driving to our friends’ house, and we pass by a big mall.*

The Threenager: That’s a nice little house, but it’s not as nice as Rob & Nelle’s!

Happy Sunday!


2 thoughts on “Things Overheard This Week, episode 17

Please. Tell me I'm not the only one.